Conversation Starters for Character Meet & Greets at Disney World

Meet & greets with characters at Disney World are my absolute favorite things when I visit. The way I think about meet &  greets is that any amusement park will have thrill rides and roller coasters but nowhere else is going to have Disney characters you get to create one of a kind interactions with and memories you and your family will talk about for years to come! 

 I can remember the first time I took my husband to Disney world and we met Gaston and Gaston would push my husband out the pictures to get pictures with just me. We laughed and had a great time or when we took my son for his very first trip and he was obsessed with Mickey and he ran to him and Mickey got down to his level and was so patient with him and made us feel like there wasn’t a line of 150 people behind us waiting. 

I reflect on these memories often and I encourage everyone toddlers, teens, young adults, adults and the elderly to meet their favorite characters!

 Meeting characters can be overwhelming for anyone and especially as an adult, we overthink things way too much! I’m here to help you navigate those feelings, push them out the window and have the best memorable moment you can when meeting your favorite characters!

I’ve compiled a list below of great interaction starters for face characters (typically Princesses) and costume characters (example Mickey Mouse). These little tips will help you relax when you have that anticipation of  what to say or how to interact with someone who can’t talk back to me. 

First thing let me go over what characters can speak back to you or which ones you need to use your imagination a bit more.

  • Face character definition is Face characters are those cast members who dress up in costumes that allow you to see their faces. You then have what they refer to as Fur characters (the fully costumed characters, i.e. Mickey) these cast members are not allowed to speak as their animated voices are too distinctive. They have character attendants who speak for them (think translate) and can assist interpret what the character is gesturing for ect. 

We are going to start off with a visit to see Mickey Mouse! Mickey does not speak verbally but he is the highlight of our trip every time! 

A few things to do get great reactions from Mickey are:

  • Wearing Mickey ears
  • Wearing anything with him on it! 
  • Play a quick game hide and seek 
  • Asking for his signature
  • Give high fives

Conversation starters:

  • Mickey where’s Minnie? 
  • Mickey, did Minnie make your outfit?
  • Mickey, are you excited for the fireworks? 
  • Mickey, who’s your best friend? 

I highly recommend having one of these in mind while you’re waiting in line.. This will help prevent awkward interaction and help make a special memory for you and/or your family! 

Face character interactions were harder for me as an adult but once I always went with a plan they became less awkward and much more fun!

So let’s say you are going to visit Anna and Elsa in Epcot (this is a great meet and greet because you get to meet both individually for the same wait time as one!) 

Things to ask Anna:

  • How’s Olaf doing? 
  • How are the trolls? 
  • What’s your favorite chocolate? 
  • What’s your favorite season? 

Things to ask Elsa:

  • Are you still loving being in the enchanted forest? 
  • Who’s the best at charades? Olaf? Kristoff or Anna? 
  • Do you miss being queen of Arendelle? 

When you’re interacting with any face character they will only act as if they know things from their movie or time period. They won’t be up to date in real world problems or politics. 

  Men meeting princesses please act as if you are a prince. You will be asked to stand beside her. The Princess may lock arms with you or place a hand on your shoulder. Please don’t be that guy who’s inappropriate with Elsa.  These are talented young ladies who are doing a phenomenal job and can not break character to protect themselves so as Cinderella says be kind. 

*You may be asked to leave the park if you exhibit inappropriate behavior with any of the characters.* 

Characters also can not hold your child so please do not ask or try to force them to do so it will just make everyone uncomfortable. Additionally, while their costumes may seem sturdy, they’re not a jungle gym. So, if you notice your little one pulling down too hard on Donald’s bill, yanking on Minnie’s ear or tugging on Pluto’s tongue, tell them to stop – they’re likely hurting the performer.

All that in mind I have a list below with some great to dos and conversation pieces for the rest of the characters you can find around Disney World!

Here’s a list of things to say to a few different characters:

Woody: Act alarmed and tell him there’s a snake in his boot;
JesseHas Buzz taught you any dance moves?
Chip and Dale: Who is the better dancer?
Buzz lightyear: ask if he had any run-ins with Zurg lately?
Ask Minnie Mouse how many dresses she has (preferably if Mickey or a cast member is nearby, or ask her to strike a pose.
Daisy: ask her to Teach you how to walk the catwalk
Donald: want to see him get embarrassed? Ask if he’s going to propose to Daisy!
Goofy: Ask him to show you some dance moves 
Call Mushu a lizard
Meeko: tell him you saw some good biscuits at (insert a restaurant name)
Ask Pocahontas to teach you how she says hello in her native language 
Cinderella: Are Glass slippers comfortable?
Rapunzel: shoes do you love them or hate them? 
Aurora: say to her first things first do you prefer pink or blue?
Snow White: So how do you feel about apples?
Tiana: Ask if she is excited for her own themed ride?
Ask Tinkerbell if she likes Wendy now
Ask Tigger for a bouncing lesson! 
Ask Ariel how many thingambobs she has
Belle: ask what current book she is reading
Peter Pan & Wendy: Ask what their happy thoughts are
Stitch: Ask him to dance like Elvis
Alice and the Mad Hatter: tell them it’s your unbirthday! 
Ugly Stepsisters: ask them to sing 

Posing Ideas:

  •  Curtsying with any lady icon
  •  Saluting or standing with hands on your hips with Buzz Lightyear
  •  Patting your tummy with Winnie the Pooh;
  •  Asking Gaston to show off his muscle, then squeeze his biceps for the photo! 
  • Clasping your hands under your chin with Cinderella’s stepsisters;
  •  pretend to Kiss your favorite character 
  • pretend to tell them a secret.


Have Fun! Enjoy yourself and your family. We are all kids at heart and this is the perfect place to embrace it! Check out our other blog post for a FREE website that can help you score the most popular Disney World reservations!